Nicotiana benthamiana plants have been used for the bioproduction of a wide range of proteins and molecules.

SUSPHIRE will make use of synthetic biology tools, in combination with systems biology and bioinformatics to establish economically-viable methods for the biosynthesis of insect pheromones and their precursors in plants and filamentous fungi. The feasibility of this approach has been demonstrated in proof-of-concept studies.

Partially or fully pheromones can be extracted from the plant and fungal biomass and incorporated into existing pheromone-dispensers. The system can also be used to produce key precursors or enzymes, bypassing or assisting complex or costly synthetic steps, which can be used to reduce the cost of chemical synthesis.

SUSPHIRE aims to expand the range of pests that can be managed using sustainable, environmentally-friendly, species-specific pest-control systems and reduce the environmental impact of commercial production.  It will

  • Demonstrate that biosynthesis can provide a sustainable, low-cost manufacturing platform for the commercial production of insect pheromones.
  • Reduce the cost of production of pheromones that are currently commercially non-viable.

The partners of SUSPHIRE are grateful for funding and support received from